Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Delta Airlines vs Singapore Airlines

Content Marketing Idea (Delta Airlines)

Disclaimer- This is a student concept of Pilon School of Business Social Media Marketing Course.

Delta Airlines: I am going to create this campaign for Delta Airlines.
Idea: I came up with a campaign to launch the Delta Airlines new App with new technology in it. This app can be download on the smart phones where people can sign up for their individual account where they can get regular updates regarding ticket fares, services , availability of flights according to their requirements.

Target Audience:
·         Youth 18-34
o   Research shows that Youth are more technosavy.
o   These days Life is busy, everyone wants to save our time.
o   Youth are more active on social apps.

    Our Goal: The main Target of our campaign is to attract more customer through technology. We are hoping to set conversation with our target group regarding the services.
There is not any sensitive time consideration to launch this campaign but, our company want to launch this campaign this in summer.

Engage Audience

Social Strategy:
Our brand social strategy is to launch this campaign on Facebook and YouTube. Majority of the Delta Airlines Followers are on these two Social sites Facebook (4 millions) YouTube (1,194,683 subscribers). This is the best method to interact with our majority of brand follower. Moreover, we will launch this campaigns on our rest pf social sites like Twitter and Instagram

Through our marketing and social media strategy our brand attract our target audience. This would help to success of delta Airline Services. The two-way communication on the social sites help the audience to engage with the brand and ask question.   

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